Roberta Fanzini and Noemi Caricchia in Samia, Ch. Adriano Bolognino © Mats Bäcker

Unique and special places

Nicola CAMPANELLI talks to the up-and-coming choreographer Adriano Bolognino and introduces us to two centers for modern choreography in Italy

Another Italian non-profit private organization that is certainly younger than the historic and renowned Fondazione Nazionale della Danza/Aterballetto, is Orsolina28 Art Foundation. The foundation was created in 2016 by Simony Monteiro. The space is an eighteenth-century farmhouse that once hosted the monastery of the Moncalvo’s Ursuline Nuns, hence the name. Orsolina28 has been built in order to transform the future of the performing arts into a social culture and to promote dance as a discipline of movement. Not only as an art form but also as an instrument for wellbeing. The center regularly organizes courses, creative and educational residencies and performances, for the most diverse social groups, from renowned professionals to amateurs and including vulnerable communities and minorities.

Yellow, Ch. Adriano Bolognino, Teatro dell’Opera di Roma © Fabrizio Sansoni

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