How did you become the director of the Prix De Lausanne?
I started working for the Prix 14 years ago in 2006, when I left the Bejart Ballet Lausanne. I was filming the candidates and filming the semifinals because my husband and I opened a filming company for dance. I became the video blogger for the Prix de Lausanne. Then I became the production manager. I was associate director three years ago and this is my second year of being in the position of artistic and executive director.
What is your favorite thing about this job?
Being with young people, this young fresh energy, talent, potential, their excitement…How enthusiastic and full of life they are. A positive and inspirational vision of the future.

Who has been the most influential person in your life or career?
Definitely, Maurice Béjart. I was with the company for 20 years as a principal dancer and he not only taught me how to be a better dancer and artist, he also taught me the “ropes”. He made me ballet mistress. This is where I learned organization, producing, choreographing, teaching, he was my master.
What is the hardest thing about your job?
Keeping everybody happy. People have different tastes and have different desires to see different things. Dance has different styles, shapes, sizes, nationalities…it is so diverse. There is always something to make better, so I am always asking for feedback to make things better and to keep everyone happy… basically.

What is your vision for the Prix de Lausanne?
My vision is to make it more visible all year round. I have added a summer program and pre-selections. I would like to see it present all year round not just talking about it one week of the year.
Discovering young new talents is very important to me of course. I am always touched and impressed when we go to Brazil for example, to see these great young dancers who unfortunately, don’t have any resources to go and audition for companies. I am proud that we provide a chance for them to come to the Prix and there are prize winners from that group even!
How do you stay current or relevant as a leading figure in the ballet world?
Luckily, I have a lot of partners at the Prix de Lausanne, 76 partner schools and companies. So, keeping in touch with them really gives me a wide scope of what’s going on today. We are also lucky to have the Internet today. I can’t always travel and see their performances, but I do a lot of research. I of course have people that I consult that I really respect in the dance world. I ask for feedback. I try to keep it evolving and progressing. Also, the Prix de Lausanne is on top of staying updated and informed about new ideas and thinking of the future. We want to keep evolving.
How can dancers stay more informed about what is required in a company today?
I tell the Prix dancers in the first meeting to open your eyes and ears. Meet people. Research. Keep up to date. Don’t wait for people to come to you, go to people. Open- up don’t close yourself in.
What do you feel that classical companies are looking for today in a dancer? How can a dancer be more prepared?
It depends. There is not a mold for dancers in companies today. Some companies want the same look. Some companies want more individuality. I would say versatility is important.
Care more about your training. Make sure you are taking the right steps. Go for your dreams.
What is something you like to do other than teaching and directing?
I like swimming…especially in the sea or ocean. I like looking at the fish. I used to go scuba diving, but now I just do snorkeling. It really relaxes me and is quite inspiring. I come out of the water feeling like a new person.
How can the people reading this help you?
Keep an open mind. No one style of teaching or one company is the only way. They can all be good, just different. Please watch dance! More people should go to dance performances.
Also don’t be afraid to apply for the Prix even if you don’t have money! We have helped a lot of dancers come here and show their talents!
Interview by Armando Braswell