Taylor Stanley and Ashton Edwards (guest artist Pacific Northwest Ballet), in The Times Are Racing, Ch. Justin Peck, New York City Ballet © Erin Baiano


By Alastair Macaulay

For two centuries, the point shoe has been the chief reason why ballet is “the” sexist art. No, ballet is not the only art in which sexism occurs – but it is the sole art that’s actually predicated on the dichotomy of the sexes. The woman, often rising on point, expects a man to stand behind her and partner her; the man does not expect to rise on point as she does.


Yet in ballet class many men practice pointwork. (It strengthens and develops the foot.) A hundred years ago, Bronislava Nijinska choreographed a serious role for Anton Dolin to dance on point in the 1920s. How strange that mainstream ballet has produced no sequels to this.

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